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To look at the energy of microorganisms to hydrolyze gelatin with the proteolytic enzyme gelatinase.


The potential of microorganisms to hydrolyze gelatin is typically taken as proof that the organism can hydrolyze protein commonly. However, there are exceptions. Microorganisms vary from species to species on the subject of their capacity to hydrolyze protein. This feature characterizes some species. Gelatin can be a protein received through the hydrolysis of the collagen compound of connective tissues of animals. It's handy as a substrate for proteolytic enzymes in microorganisms. Gelatin is employed inside the media from the experiment, which is liquid at temperature and solidifies at –4°C. If the gelatin has been hydrolyzed through the motion of the organism, the media will remain liquid.


  • Nutrient gelatin media

  • Test organism

  • Test tubes

  • Inoculation loop


  • Preparation of Nutrient Gelatin Media

  • Composition

  • Peptone - five g

  • Gelatin - 20 g

  • Pork Extract - 3 g

  • Sodium Chloride - five g

  • Distilled Water - a thousand mL

  • pH - 7.2.


1. Media is prepared constantly with the above composition.

2. It is sterilized at 121°C for 15 minutes at 15 lb/inch rectangular and poured into sterilized tubes.

3. Tubes were allowed to kick back then inoculated with check organisms. One inoculated tube is hired as an impact.

4. Tubes had been incubated for twenty-4 hrs and observed for liquefaction of gelatin after maintaining in ice for half and 15 minutes.


Gelatin is an incomplete protein, lacking many amino acids, like tryptophan. when collagen is heated and hydrolyzed, denatured protein gelatin is acquired. Collagen heated owed for 90%–ninety-five% of natural count within the cellular. It is the foremost critical protein, rich in amino acids. Microorganism-like can use gelatin so long as they're supplemented with other proteins. Microorganism produces the gelatin-hydrolyzing enzyme, gelatinase. Considering that gelatin may be a very good solidifying agent at low temperatures, its assets of solidification are frequently wont to differentiate between gelatin-hydrolyzing and no hydrolyzing agent. Most of the entero bacteriaceae members are gelatin-hydrolysis-take a look at-negative. Microorganism like Vibrio, Bacillus and Pseudomonas are gelatin-effective.

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