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Updated: Jul 13, 2021

Electrophoresis is that the migration of charged molecules in response to an electrical field. Their rate of migration depends on the strength of the field; on internet charge, size and shape of the molecules, and also on the ionic strength, viscosity, and temperature of the medium during which the molecules are moving. As an analytical tool, electrophoresis is straightforward, rapid, and sensitive. it's used analytically to review the properties of one charged species and as a separation technique.

There is a spread of electrophoretic techniques, which yield different information and have different uses. Generally, the samples are run during a support matrix, the foremost commonly used being agarose and polyacrylamide. These are porous gels, and under appropriate conditions, they supply a way of separating molecules by size. we'll specialise in those methods used for proteins.

These are often denaturing or non-denaturing. Nondenaturing methods allow recovery of active proteins and maybe want to analyze enzyme activity or the other analysis that needs a native protein structure. Two commonly used techniques in biochemistry are sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and isoelectric focusing (IEF). SDS-PAGE separates proteins consistent with relative molecular mass and IEF separates consistent with an isoelectric point. This laboratory exercise will introduce you to SDS-PAGE.


1. The gel matrix used may be a crosslinked acrylamide polymer. This electrophoretic method separates the proteins consistent with size (and not charge) thanks to the presence of SDS. The dodecyl sulfate ions bind to the peptide backbone, both denaturing the proteins and giving them a consistent charge.

2. The gels we'll be running using a discontinuous system, meaning that they need 2 parts. One is that the separating gel, which features a high concentration of acrylamide and acts as a molecular sieve to separate the proteins consistent with size. Before reaching this gel, the proteins migrate through a stacking gel, which serves to compress the proteins into a narrow band in order that they all enter the separating gel at about an equivalent time. The narrow starting band increases the resolution. This part of the gel features a lower concentration of acrylamide to avoid a sieving effect.

3. The stacking effect is thanks to the glycine within the buffer, the low pH within the stacking gel, and therefore the higher pH within the running buffer. At the low pH, the glycine has little charge, and thus moves slowly. The chloride ions move quickly and a localized voltage gradient develops between the two. Because the gel runs, the low pH of the stacking gel buffer is replaced by the upper pH within the running buffer. This maintains a discontinuity within the pH and keeps the glycine moving forward (any glycine molecules behind would acquire a better charge and speed up). Since there's no real sieving happening, the proteins (which have intermediate mobility) form a decent band, so as of size, between the slower glycine and therefore the faster chloride ions. The separating gel buffer features a higher pH, therefore the glycine molecules become more charged and move past the proteins, and therefore the voltage gradient becomes uniform. The proteins hamper within the smaller pore size of the separating gel and separate consistent with size.

Exercise: You'll tend protein relative molecular mass standards, several different solutions containing individual proteins, and a sample of an equivalent serum you utilized in the protein quantitation lab. Your job is to work out the molecular weights of the individual proteins and therefore the major components within the serum sample. you'll run each sample on 2 gels, one you prepare yourself and a billboard precast gel, and compare the results.

Before doing electrophoresis, you want to know the quantity of protein in each sample. Determine the protein concentrations of every one of your samples employing a protein assay before coming to the lab to try to do any electrophoresis. For this exercise, the sole sample of unknown protein concentration is that the serum that you simply used for one among your unknowns last week. the quantity of protein to be loaded depends on the thickness and length of the gel, and therefore the staining system to be used. Using the Coomassie Blue staining system, as little as 0.1 mg are often detected, but more are going to be easier to ascertain. As a guide, use 0.5–5 mg for pure samples (one or only a few proteins) and 20–60 mg for complex mixtures where the protein are going to be distributed amongst many protein bands. Overloading will decrease the resolution.

Protocol: The apparatuses utilized in gel casting or running electrophoresis vary; confirm you look over the acceptable manuals before you use.

Caution: Unpolymerized Acrylamide may be a Neurotoxin. Be Careful! don't pour unpolymerized acrylamide down the sink, await it to polymerize and eliminate it within the trash.

TEMED (N, N, N', N'-tetramethylethylenediamine) is additionally not excellent for you and is extremely smelly; avoid breathing it. Open the bottle only as long as necessary, or use it within the hood.

1. confirm gel plates are clean and dry. don't get your fingerprints on them or the acrylamide won't polymerize properly.

2. Prepare gel solutions (separating and stacking), but don't add polymerizing agents, APS and TEMED (this would start the polymerization).

3. Lay the comb on the unnotched plate and mark (on the surface, employing a Sharpie) about 1 cm below the rock bottom of the teeth. this may be the extent of the separating gel. If available, use an alumina (opaque, white) plate, for the notched plate, as this conducts heat far away from the gel more efficiently than glass. found out the gel plates, spacers, and plastic pouch within the gel casting as described within the manufacturer’s directions. When everything is totally ready, add TEMED to the separating gel solution, mix well, and pour it between the plates, up to the mark. Wear gloves if you pour directly from the beaker. You'll also use a disposable pipette. Work quickly or the answer will polymerize timely. Carefully layer isopropanol (or water-saturated butanol) on top of acrylamide so it'll polymerize with a flat top surface (i.e., no meniscus). do that at the side and avoid large drops, so as to not disturb the gel surface. When the leftover acrylamide within the beaker is polymerized, the acrylamide between the plates also will be ready.

If you're running the gel on an equivalent day, prepare samples while the acrylamide is polymerizing. Otherwise, wait until you're able to run the gel.

(i) you'll need a sample of every unknown substance, plus the relative molecular mass standards. Prepare samples in screw-cap microcentrifuge tubes.

  • The protein content should be at 1–50 mg in a 20–30 mL sample.

  • The total sample volume which will be loaded depends on the thickness of the gel and therefore the diameter of the comb teeth. For Genie apparatuses, this is often ~ 30 mL/well. to organize the sample, mix 7–10 mL of the sample (depending on protein concentration) +20 mL 2X sample buffer containing 10% b-mercaptoethanol (BME). Use the BME within the hood - it stinks!

  • For dilute samples, mix 40 ml of the sample and 10 mL 5X sample buffer and add 2 mL of BME. Heat to 90°C for 3 minutes to completely denature proteins. it's important to heat samples immediately after the addition of the sample buffer. Partially denatured proteins are far more vulnerable to proteolysis and proteases aren't the primary proteins to urge denatured. (Heat samples to 37°C to redissolve SDS before running the gel if samples are stored after preparation).

(ii) If you would like the proteins within the sample to retain disulfide bonds, don't add BME. If both reduced and nonreduced samples are going to be run on an equivalent gel, leave a minimum of 3–4 empty wells between samples, since the BME will diffuse between wells and reduce proteins in adjacent samples.

(iii) MW Stds: 7 mL of Rainbow STDs +10 mL of sample buffer (do not make in advance). Heat to 37°C before use.

5. After the separating gel has polymerized, drain off the isopropanol. Add TEMED to the stacking gel solution, pour the answer between the plates, and insert the comb to form wells for loading samples. The person fixing the comb should wear gloves. Keep an eye fixed on this while it’s polymerizing and add more gel solution if the extent falls (as it always does), or the wells are going to be too small.

6. After polymerization, don't cut the bag; we reuse them. The gel could also be stored at now by taping the bag shut to stop drying. When able to run the gel: mark the position of every well, since they're difficult to ascertain when full.

7. Remove the comb and rinse wells with running buffer. See the manual directions for fixing the gels within the buffer chambers. The apparatus can run 2 gels simultaneously. There's a blank plate to use when running just one. Fill the upper chamber with running buffer first and check for leaks. Adjust the plates if necessary. Load the samples employing a micro pipettor with gel-loading tips (these are longer and thinner than the traditional tips).

This will be demonstrated. don't load samples within the end wells. confirm to write down which sample was loaded in each well.

8. Electrophoresis (takes 1–2 hours). Connect the gel apparatus to the facility supply and run at 15 mA/gel until the tracking dye (blue) moves past the top of the stacking gel. Increase the present to 20–25 mA/gel but confirm the voltage doesn't get above 210 V. Run until the blue tracking dye moves to the rock bottom of the separating gel. For the BioRad apparatus, don't exceed 30 mA, no matter the number of gels.

9. Disassemble the apparatus and punctiliously separate the gel plates employing a flat spatula. Stop the stacking gel and any gel below the blue tracking dye. Note the colour of every of the relative molecular mass standards, as they're going to all be blue after staining. Wash 3X with water. Place the gel in a plastic staining container and add Coomassie Blue staining solution. Keep it during this 1 hour overnight. Wash again with water. you'll wrap the gel in wrapping and Xerox or scan it to possess a replica. The gel can also be dried.

Data Analysis

• Measure the length of the gel (since you narrow off rock bottom, this is often the space travelled by the dye).

• Measure the space travelled by each of the relative molecular mass standards.

• Measure the distances of every unknown band.

• For samples lanes with many bands (serum during this exercise), measure all bands in those with just a couple of and therefore the major bands in people who have many.

• Prepare a typical curve by plotting log MW versus relative mobility (Rf, distance travelled by protein divided by distance travelled by dye). Use this and therefore the mobility of bands from your fractions to work out the MW of the unknown proteins. (Review standard curves from the protein quantitation lab if necessary.)

• MW of proteins that don't run very far into the gel or run near the dye front won't be accurate.

If you've got reduced and unreduced samples, compare the number of bands and MW of every to work out the number of subunits.

Gel Solutions

1. Separating gel: (15 mL, enough for 2 gels) 10% acrylamide.

  • 40% Acrylamide/bisacrylamide mix 3.55 mL.

  • 1.5 M tris pH 8.8, 3.75 mL, H2O 7.4 mL, 10% SDS 150 mL, 10% ammonium persulfate (APS) 150 mL (prepared fresh), TEMED 6 mL.

2. Stacking gel: (5 mL) 5% acrylamide.

  • Compresses the protein sample into a narrow band for better resolution.

  • 40% Acrylamide/bisacrylamide mix 0.625 mL.

  • 0.5 M tris pH 6.8, 1.25 mL, H2O 3.0 mL, 10% SDS 50 mL, 10% APS 50 mL, TEMED 5 mL.

3. 2X sample buffer (10 mL)—store within the freezer for an extended time.

4. SDS must be at temperature to dissolve.

5. H2O 1.5 mL, 0.5 M Tris pH 6.8, 2.5 mL, 10% SDS (optional) 4.0 mL,

  • Glycerol 2.0 mL, BPB 0.01%, b-mercaptoethanol (optional) 0.1 mL.

6. Running buffer (5L).

  • 30 g Tris Base, 144 g glycine, dissolve in sufficient H2O to form 1.5 L and put into the final container.

  • Add 1.5 g SDS (Caution: don't inhale dust).

  • When adding SDS, avoid making an excessive amount of foam, which makes measuring and pouring difficult.

  • The final pH should be around 8.3 but don't adjust it or the ionic strength are going to be too high and therefore the gel won't run properly. If the pH is much off, it had been made incorrectly or is old and has some contamination.

  • The running buffer also can be made more concentrated (5X or 10X) and diluted as required to save lots of bottle space.

References :

  1. Biotechnology Procedure and experiment handbook by S. Harissa.

  2. Images are from


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